Saturday, July 25, 2009

Rolling Stone : The Big Takeover: AIG/Wall Street/US Govt.

first published MARCH 21, 2009 5:37PM

Below is a link to an important article in the current Rolling Stone magazine. I was made aware of it by a very close friend, a Republican, who is as sick as I am of the whole fiasco we are now witnessing.

Democrats do not hold a monoply on concern for the nation on this dispicable demonstration of greed not only gone wild, but being rewarded and reinforced by the powers in government that be, be they Republican or Democratic.

Matt Taibbi wrote the article. If you know his work then you know it will be a quality article when you read it. It is clear, understandable and long.

If you think you already know all about the mess, don't read this article.

If you like to talk about the financial mess and don't want to be bothered with the facts: its history or how the arcane details work, don't read this article.

If you wish that you understood better just what the hell is going on, how we got where we are, and what the hell the terms mean in common sense English, then get a cup of coffee or tea, allow yourself a half hour of non-soundbite life and read it. Carefully.

I guarantee you will understand this mess far, far better than you do now. You won't like it, but you will understand. And you will not be as sanguine about what we are doing about it as you might have been.

It isn't pretty. And, unfortunately, it bears out something I have been saying so long that nobody listens any more: Our good President who clearly wants so much to fix the system has been sucked into putting the foxes in charge of the hen house. And the hens are us.

"We have met the enemy, and he is us!" --- Pogo

Let me add one thing. The reason we are in this mess is in part because we have been sucked into believing that all the machinations that have gone on in AIG, the Wall Street banks, the Fed and the Treasury, etc., are just too hard to understand. Over and over Mike points out how people have accepted being rebuffed by the banking and insurance "experts" and by the government experts (who are often essentially the same people) because they accepted the answer "Well, you really won't be able to understand it. Just trust us. We know what we are doing." Time and again people who were obligated to say "Bull Shit!!" just said, "Oh, you are right."
