Wednesday, August 12, 2009

25 By Old Blue Eyes: Sinatra's Great Standards

AUGUST 11, 2009 10:04PM


There is no socially redeeming agenda here. Nothing to read. Nothing to think about. Nothing to get all worked up over. Just great music. By The Man himself.

Just slip on some headphones, or turn on some nice speakers, and listen. Open OS or any other sites in another tab and go about reading, writing or whatever else you want to do. The list will keep playing until you want to stop it.

This is too good to miss. The Chairman of the Board at his finest. I took a lot of time organizing only the best here, and have arranged them to move smoothly from swing to ballads and back, including some sentimental songs that are identified solely with Old Blue Eyes at the very end.

This is my tribute to Frank as a follow up on the popular "Who's Going to Fill Their Shoes" post, now pushing 2500 "listens." Nobody will ever fill Sinatra's shoes.


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